Sun damage, skin disorders, aging and even heredity can all contribute to skin irregularities on the face and elsewhere on the body.
These include textural irregularities like wrinkles and acne scars, pigmentation changes like freckles, sunspots or visible blood vessels.
In addition, skin may lose tone, feel less firm and lose the healthy glow that is evident in younger skin. The skin utilizes sunlight to help us create Vitamin D, which is crucial for healthy bones, immunity, and serotonin production.
But the risk of overexposure to ultraviolet rays can cause severe damage to the skin. And this doesn't just stop at your typical sunburn. Dullness, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation are all signs of sun damage too.
While it is always ideal to protect the skin before treatment, reversing certain degrees of sun damage is possible. Allendale Aesthetics offers the latest and highest quality services and treatments for photoaged and sun-exposed skin.
Sun Damage
Sun damage on the skin can come in a variety of forms. Prolonged UV exposure has a negative impact on the collagen and reparative abilities of the skin. This can lead to the formation of wrinkles, sagging, discolouration, and roughness.
There are a number of treatments available to treat sun damaged skin. The first step you should take in determining the best treatment for you depends on what damage you are hoping to address.
Laser based technologies, chemical peels, and a variety of other treatments are each designed to target a specific complexion issue. The skin is complex which is why you should skin assessment first.
Sun damage on the arms can be treated with a number of treatments.
Yes, skin damaged by UV exposure can be repaired. Depending on the type of issue, laser, and chemical peels may all be options in repairing the skin. Remember to use broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.
Yes, chemical peels are an effective way to eliminate the signs of sun damage on the skin. It removes the outer layers of skin and promotes new collagen production.
It is extremely important to check your skin regularly for any changes or unusual pigmentation. The earlier sun damage is detected, the less of a risk you pose for skin cancers.
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