Allendale Aesthetics & Laser provides professional Melasma
treatments. Melasma is a very common condition of the skin
resulting in discoloration on sun exposed areas of the face,
commonly the cheeks, upper lip, and forehead.
Melasma typically worsens with sun exposure, birth control pills, and hormones of pregnancy. Although it can affect both genders and any race, it is more common in women and people with darker skin types.
Melasma usually becomes more noticeable in the summer and
improves during the winter months.
Melasma is a common type of skin discoloration marked by brown patches on the face. Most commonly, it occurs in women between 20 to 50 years of age, women who have naturally darker skin tone, and women who are pregnant.
Men rarely experience this type of hyperpigmentation of the skin.
The exact cause of melasma is unknown, but uncontrolled exposure to sunlight is considered the leading factor, especially in people with a genetic predisposition for hyperpigmentation.
Melasma commonly develops during the summer months, when the strong ultraviolet rays from the sun cause melanin production in the skin cells. This skin discoloration typically fades and becomes less visible in the winter.
Women with this skin discoloration either have a history of regular sun exposure, are pregnant and/or have darker tones of skin. Melasma can also become exacerbated by heat, UV, exercise and harsh skin products.
While it can often disappear or fade over time, in certain cases melasma can become so severe it cannot be concealed by make- up, causing the sufferer to become quite self-conscious of their appearance. We can provide you with a plan to improve & control your melasma, book a complimentary consultation today.
Melasma Treatments
Melasma is a chronic irregular pigmentation condition of the skin, during pregnancy it typically will appear in the second or third trimester.
During pregnancy, the hormonal changes stimulate hormones that lead to increased activity levels of the melanocytes, which are the pigment
producing cells in our skin.
It most frequently appears in the face thus prompting many to seek professional advice and treatment.
To prevent melasma from getting worse one must avoid the triggers when possible (sun, hormonal changes, extreme heat and stress)
Melasma will improve on its own after pregnancy but may not completely clear. Once melasma is triggered, in the case of pregnancy, it will tend to become a chronic condition that will need periodic treatment to keep at bay.
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