Acne Treatment


Acne Treatments

Acne is a common condition that impacts the majority of people for at least some portion of their life. For most, acne does not only exist during adolescence.

It is an on-going concern that affects people of all ages, genders and skin types for many years, even into adulthood for some.

What to Expect:

While it may be common, acne causes many people to experience feelings of low self-esteem, frustration, and a lack of confidence in their overall appearance.

However, finding the right acne solution can feel like an impossible battle, filled with wasted money and time on products that simply just don’t work for your skin.

Schedule a complimentary consultation




  • What causes acne?

    Acne is formed when dirt and oil clog the hair follicle, when bacteria is introduced to the clogged follicle

    inflammation and infection form resulting in more severe acne.

  • Does family history matter?

    Yes, if one of your parents had deep, painful acne you are more at risk of getting acne.

  • Can stress cause acne?

    Stress doesn’t cause acne, however research identifies a link between stress and acne. Stress can affect

    a person's hormones and the skin’s immune function increasing the chance of oily skin and clogged


  • What age can you get acne?

    Acne can occur at any age but it is generally more common in adolescents and young adults. Acne symptoms commonly start showing between the ages of 10 and 13.

  • What is adult acne?

    Some adults continue to get acne well into their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. It’s more common in women than in men.

  • Does diet affect acne?

    There’s still research being done on the impact than diet can have on acne. Several studies show that low glycemic index food will improve your acne as it prevents spikes in your blood sugar levels. More studies are needed to confirm that cow’s milk can make acne worse or not.

  • Can I use make-up if I have acne?

    Yes, you can wear light make up – but it’s probably best to avoid it entirely if you possibly can. Choose your products carefully i.e. preferably use non-comedogenic make-up. Wash your face twice a day with gentle cleanser and after sweating. Always remove make-up before going to bed.

  • How can you help yourself?

    If you have acne at the moment come in for a personalized treatment plan. 

  • How to treat acne?

    Treatment of acne depends on the severity, type of acne and previous treatments. Call today to see our skin specicalist for a customized treatment program

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